Home » Albanese outlines public investment plan to compete with US Inflation Reduction Act

Albanese outlines public investment plan to compete with US Inflation Reduction Act

Albanese outlines public investment plan to compete with US Inflation Reduction Act

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says Australia must stay in the “global race” for jobs, as he prepares to detail a taxpayer-funded incentive scheme for advanced manufacturing and clean energy projects.

The “Future Made in Australia Act” will seek to compete with US President Joe Biden’s massive spending plans under the US Inflation Reduction Act.

Mr Albanese said it would consolidate existing efforts under one banner, including Hydrogen Headstart, Solar Sunshot and the government’s $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund.

“We know during the pandemic, we learnt the risks of what happens if we’re cut off from trade. We can’t afford to not be able to stand on our own two feet,” Mr Albanese told Channel Seven.

“And we saw manufacturing leave this country in the 70s and 80s. We want to bring it back.”

The prime minister will make the case for the Future Made in Australia Act in a major speech on Thursday, setting out his agenda for the next year leading up to an election.

He will warn Australia’s economy will suffer without greater government intervention, as other nations draw “an explicit link between economic security and national security”.