Home » Australian Rules-Player banned for three matches for homophobic slur

Australian Rules-Player banned for three matches for homophobic slur

Australian Rules-Player banned for three matches for homophobic slur

SYDNEY – Port Adelaide forward Jeremy Finlayson has been suspended for three matches for directing a homophobic slur at an opponent during a top flight Australian rules game last weekend.

The Australian Football League (AFL) said the use of the slur was “both hurtful and totally unacceptable in any setting” and also ordered Finlayson to pay for and undergo training with an LGBT organisation.

“The AFL is very clear that homophobia has no place in our game, nor in society,” the league’s Stephen Meade said.

Finlayson, who apologised for his actions after the game, is the first player to be suspended for using a homophobic slur during an AFL game.

“I accept the AFL’s sanction and now look forward to reflecting on my behaviour and seeking education to improve myself,” he added in a statement after the ban was announced on Wednesday. REUTERS