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Tag: Artificial Intelligence

The world’s biggest AI models were trained using images of Australian kids, and their families had no idea

The world’s biggest AI models were trained using images of Australian kids, and their families had no idea

The privacy of Australian children is being violated on a large scale by the artificial intelligence (AI) industry, with personal images, names, locations and ages being used to train some of the world’s leading AI models. Researchers from Human Rights Watch (HRW) discovered the images in a prominent dataset, including a newborn baby still connected...

Industry report examines AI productivity and jobs promise

Industry report examines AI productivity and jobs promise

The Tech Council of Australia (TCA) has warned reforms will be needed to address the skills gap exposed in a report mapping how the development and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can spur Australian jobs growth. ‘Meeting the AI skills boom’ makes a range of recommendations, including widespread literacy education and a national investment...

IBM’s Think 2024 News That Should Help Skills & Productivity Issues in Australia

IBM’s Think 2024 News That Should Help Skills & Productivity Issues in Australia

IBM uses its annual Think conference as a platform to highlight movements in its business and present innovation, and this year was no exception. During this year’s Think event, held May 20-23 in Boston, the tech giant announced several updates to its watsonx platform, promising to make artificial intelligence more accessible, cost-effective and flexible for...

Moonchild Daily Horoscope – 28 May 2024

Moonchild Daily Horoscope – 28 May 2024

During the waning phase of the moon, we usually are given a chance to slowly begin to wind down and prepare for a new cycle. However today the moon in Aquarius is exactly conjunct Pluto which brings about intense feelings and emotions which cannot be ignored. Take a deep breath before speaking or risk overreacting.As...

Australian workers unphased by AI’s impact on jobs, survey reveals

Australian workers unphased by AI’s impact on jobs, survey reveals

New survey data from job site Indeed shows that 91% of Australian workers are not afraid of the impact that artificial intelligence (AI) could have on their jobs, even though they understand that the skills required for their roles could change significantly over the next five years. The data, which seeks to challenge prevalent narratives...

Australian SMEs risk efficiency due to slow tech adoption

Australian SMEs risk efficiency due to slow tech adoption

Recent research has shown that Australian small businesses may be failing to adapt to the evolving technological landscape, thereby risking a detrimental impact on their efficiency and capacity. The study, conducted by Telstra, disclosed that only 48% of small to medium enterprise (SME) owners anticipate increasing their technology use within the next one to two...