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Kick, pick, and choose: Aussies’ favourite sports are changing

Kick, pick, and choose: Aussies’ favourite sports are changing

It’s a hot, cloudless day in north-west Victoria, and Royal Australian Air Force pilot Nicole Forrester is preparing for take-off. Her runway is unconventional – straight through a dusty paddock bordered by a simple Ringlock fence. It would make for a dangerous and unconventional take-off in any jet or cargo plane, but she’s not on...

Aquarius, Daily Horoscope Today, July 16, 2024: Prepare for a day filled with spiritual enlightenment – Times of India

Aquarius, Daily Horoscope Today, July 16, 2024: Prepare for a day filled with spiritual enlightenment – Times of India

Astounding revelations for Aquarius today! Prepare for a day filled with spiritual enlightenment, deep connections, and potential … Read More Astounding revelations for Aquarius today! Prepare for a day filled with spiritual enlightenment, deep connections, and potential new ventures. Love and relationships will flourish, while education and career prospects look promising. Financial stability and opportunities...