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Corruption scandal hits Australian soccer, captain accused of fixing yellow cards

Corruption scandal hits Australian soccer, captain accused of fixing yellow cards

Australian professional football was rocked on Friday by accusations that the captain of A-League club Macarthur FC paid two younger teammates up to AU$10,000 (HK$52,000) to deliberately receive yellow cards in a scheme set up by a South American gambling connection. The players identified were Macarthur team leader Ulises Davila and teammates Kearyn Baccus and...

Players paid k to give away yellow cards in A-League games, police allege

Players paid $10k to give away yellow cards in A-League games, police allege

In short: NSW Police have charged three Macarthur FC players including captain Ulises Dávila over an alleged betting scandal. The three players were allegedly involved in the manipulation of yellow cards during A-League games. What’s next? The players have secured bail and will appear in court at a later date. Three players from A-League side Macarthur...