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Your daily horoscope: June 22, 2024

Your daily horoscope: June 22, 2024

Open this photo in gallery: Cancer.iStockPhoto / Getty Images HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY It will pay you to be more open about your feelings over the coming year. You don’t have to bare your soul for the whole world to see but you do have to recognize that other people can’t help you...

Your daily horoscope: June 10, 2024

Your daily horoscope: June 10, 2024

Open this photo in gallery: Gemini.iStockPhoto / Getty Images HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY Life will move at such a frantic pace over the coming year that if you don’t slow down occasionally you could burn yourself out physically, mentally and maybe emotionally too. Insist on taking regular breaks so you stay sharp the...