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Record avocado production in Australia spurs global export expansion – Rabobank – Australian Manufacturing

Record avocado production in Australia spurs global export expansion – Rabobank – Australian Manufacturing

RaboResearch analyst Pia Piggott. Image credit: Rabobank Australia’s avocado industry is experiencing another year of record production and low prices, according to a recent report by agribusiness banking specialist Rabobank. The report noted that while domestic demand for avocados remains strong, the global appetite for this nutrient-packed fruit is providing a much-needed boost for Australian...

The government’s future gas policy first must ensure Australia’s future gas needs

The government’s future gas policy first must ensure Australia’s future gas needs

Almost immediately after Resources Minister Madeleine King unveiled her plans for an expansion of our gas industry, the sniping began, the battle lines already drawn. On one side is the federal government, with seemingly conflicting ideals of reducing carbon emissions while kickstarting a rebuild of our manufacturing sector, arguing that more gas is needed for...