Home » World’s response to gut-wrenching stabbings

World’s response to gut-wrenching stabbings

World’s response to gut-wrenching stabbings

The world has watched in horror as news of a knifeman’s deadly rampage through Sydney’s Westfield Bondi Junction dominated global news.

The attack began at 3.20pm on Saturday when a man in an NRL jersey began stabbing shoppers at random, including a woman and her nine-month-old baby, with six people confirmed dead and many more injured.

Nine people were stabbed during the attack as panicked families ran for their lives, before the knifeman was gunned down by a senior female police officer who bravely took him on alone.

The extraordinary events in Bondi Junction immediately dominated the homepages of the world’s biggest news outlets as millions worldwide reeled from the bloodshed.

The deadly attack remained front-page news on the BBC website on Sunday morning, while the New York Times ran a live blog covering eyewitness accounts and updates from NSW police.

It has been a top news story on CNN, the New York Post, The Guardian UK, the Times of India and many other major international news websites.

“Knifeman rampaged through Sydney mall as shoppers ran for their lives”, the top story on the BBC read on Sunday morning, while another BBC story hailed the hero cop who felled the attacker, ending his deadly reign of terror.

The New York Times described the attack as one of Australia’s “deadliest acts of mass violence in recent decades”.

“The violence of the rampage, which took place on a weekend in a bustling area popular with families, children and beachgoers, stunned Australians,” the Times’ coverage reads.

“Mass shootings are rare in the country, which has strict gun laws, and Saturday’s attack was the worst act of mass violence since 2017.”

As global social media went into overdrive with people around the world expressing concern for loved ones in Sydney, world leaders sent messages of support to the people of Australia.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was the first world leader to send his condolences.

“Australia is family. So, all New Zealanders are thinking of those affected by the tragic events in Bondi, especially the family and friends of those killed today. Exceptional courage from NSW Police, first responders and members of the public,” Mr Luxon said.

King Charles said he and Queen Camilla were “utterly shocked and horrified to hear of the tragic stabbing incident in Bondi” in a statement released on Saturday night.

“Our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of those who have been so brutally killed during such a senseless attack,” the statement read.

Prince William and his wife Catherine also released a short message of support on X.

“We are shocked and saddened by the terrible events in Sydney earlier today,” they said.

“Our thoughts are with all those affected, including the loved ones of those lost and the heroic emergency responders who risked their own lives to save others. W & C.”

US Ambassador Caroline Kennedy said: “We are deeply saddened to hear of the events at Westfield Bondi Junction in Sydney today.

”Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who were lost, and wish the injured a speedy and complete recovery.”

Others expressed their shock and horror at the events at Bondi Junction, with many struck by how unusual such an event was in relatively peaceful Australia.

One woman, from the UK, said: “We all know Australia is generally a peaceful country to move to and live and work in and raise children. Our hearts and prayers go out to those who have been murdered and injured by this lone wolf and the heroic actions taken by this excellent female police officer who stopped him in his tracks to further kill everyone in his rampage.”

Others who have seen social media videos go viral online — particularly of the female officer and of the man who came up against the assailant on the escalators — express their admiration.

“This brave man saved many lives by blocking the murderer,” one said.

But some took it as a chance to talk about Australia’s gun laws, which were changed after the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre where 35 people were shot dead.

“This isn’t funny but I find it funny that Australians argue with me saying it’s good Australians are defenceless so there isn’t shootings. Then this,” one persons said.

Another said: “I bet some more gun control laws would have helped prevent this right?”

Many more people expressed the opposite view, saying how much worse the crime could have been if guns were freely available and used, instead of a knife.

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